How to Vet and Work With F&I Vendors Seminar

How to Vet and Work With F&I Vendors

Wednesday, September 12, at 2pm ET

Especially in the digital age, more and more vendors — startups and veterans combined — are vying for dealers’ attention. Choosing the right vendors to maximize operations – F&I and otherwise — is an ongoing challenge for dealers. In order for any F&I department to reach its full potential, dealers must be aware of legal pitfalls and other potential obstacles. In this webinar, industry experts Len Bellavia and Cory Mosley will assist dealerships in working with vendors to increase their bottom lines while decreasing the risk of compliance violations. They’ll also help dealers plan for the future of F&I.

Attend this webinar to learn:

  • What regulators are focusing on in the F&I office
  • What F&I products present legal risk. What new offerings are worth considering
  • If dealerships videotape closings
  • The benefits and burdens of arbitration clauses
  • Much more